Detalle de la Carta Deathscythe, Segadora de Vidas
Nombre de la Carta Deathscythe, Segadora de Vidas
Serie Promo
Tipo Insignia Raza/Rasgo
Coste: 0
Atributo Vacío Rareza P
El Soberano-J de tu oponente pierde y no puede ganar Imperecedero y Rapidez. rest: Tu Soberano-J gana +200/+200 hasta el final del turno. Mientras sea "Rezzard, Vampiro profanador", gana "Siempre que un resonador que haya recibido daño de esta carta este turno sea puesto en un cementerio, ponlo en tu campo." hasta el final del turno y puedes pagar 1 menos para jugar su habilidad de Arte Divino este turno. Retira del juego tres cartas de tu cementerio: Pon esta carta desde tu cementerio en tu mano.
Name: Deathscythe, the Life Reaper
Edition: Promo
Type: Regalia Race/Subtype:
Attribute: Void Rarity: P
Your opponent's J-ruler loses and cannot gain Imperishable and Swiftness. (rest): Your J-ruler gains +200/+200 until end of turn. As long as it's "Rezzard, the Desecrating Vampire", it gains "Whenever a resonator that was dealt damage by this card this turn is put into a graveyard, put it into your field." until end of turn and you may pay 1 less to play its God's Art abilities this turn. Remove three cards in your graveyard from the game: Put this card from your graveyard into your hand.
Flavor Text:
The body is heavy, life is light.